Tutorial: Taking Care of Your Flute!

The flute is one of the most delicate instruments. How to properly take care of your flute? The SML PARIS workshop provides you with all its advice in pictures!

A) Before playing

Before playing, the flute requires little attention. Unlike the clarinet, which has cork tenons, the flute has metal tenons. Therefore, there is no difficulty in fitting the headjoint and footjoint onto the body of the instrument.

It is important to ensure that the alignment of the footjoint keys corresponds well with the keys of the body. This will significantly improve the ergonomics and playability of the lower register.

It is possible that due to wear or sudden changes in humidity, some play may develop at the headjoint (the fitting being very fine). If your headjoint moves within the body or, conversely, if the headjoint has difficulty fitting into the body, do not force it and contact a repairer to adjust the fit.

B) After playing

The first step after playing is to clean and dry the interior of the instrument. For SML PARIS flutes from the 300 and 400 series, the musician will find a BG swab in the accessory kit provided.

To use it, simply attach the silicone cap to the rod and insert it into the microfiber cloth.

Disassemble the headjoint, then the footjoint, and pass the swab through all three parts of the flute with several back-and-forth motions.

This process will remove any remaining saliva in the tube and also absorb moisture that accumulates in the chimneys.

When handling the headjoint, be careful not to bump the cork that is located at the top of the headjoint. This can affect the instrument's tuning.

You can also use the drying swab and the provided cloth in the kit to absorb any remaining moisture and prevent the keys from tarnishing.

It is important not to use a towel, dishcloth, or household microfiber cloth to clean your flute! Indeed, such fabric is abrasive and will scratch the instrument rather than make it shine. Instead, opt for specific cloths for silver-plated instruments or microfibers designed for instrument maintenance.
SML PARIS - Brand Ambassador

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Pierrick - 10/30/2023 11:12:47

Merci pour ce tutoriel très complet.