Tutorial : Taking Care of Your Clarinet

To extend the life and maintain its technical and acoustic qualities, it is important to take care of your instrument. SML PARIS shares all its tips for taking care of your clarinet. ​

A) Before Playing

The clarinets in the SML PARIS range have the advantage of being delivered with a complete accessory kit from the BG brand.

Be sure to unpack these items and use the mouthpiece cushions.

By sticking them in the middle of the mouthpiece rest (where the upper teeth rest), you will protect your mouthpiece from wear due to teeth and maintain an optimal jaw position thanks to the non-slip surface.

Maintenance begins before playing! It is important to lightly grease the cork tenons on both parts of the clarinet body. This lubricates and protects the cork of wind instruments, preserving its flexibility and impermeability. Then, assemble all parts of the clarinet, taking care to align the corresponding joints between the upper and lower bodies.

B) After Playing

While playing, the musician creates condensation by blowing into the instrument. The inside of the clarinet becomes damp, and as it cools down, the condensation will form water that can damage the wood and pads. To properly dry the interior of the instrument, you should use a cloth called a swab.

1) To avoid damaging the reed, first remove it by loosening the ligature.

2) Take the swab by the weighted end and insert it into the clarinet through the bell.

To avoid getting the swab stuck in the clarinet, always pass it from the bottom to the top of the instrument!

You can also take the cloth and run it over the keys to remove fingerprints, as well as to wipe away sweat deposited by the hands, thus preventing oxidation of the key coating.

3) Disassemble the various parts of the body and thoroughly dry the tenons.

You will find a pad dryer in the accessory kit to absorb residual moisture around the chimneys and pads.

Do not store your mouthpiece in the same compartment as your clarinet! Instead, place it in a plastic pouch. Indeed, ebonite emits sulfur which can tarnish the keys of the instrument.
SML PARIS - Brand Manager

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